BASIX is an environmental scheme created by the NSW Government to tackle greenhouse emissions and water consumption. Complying with BASIX will provide NSW with eco-friendly dwellings that will further assist the reduction of greenhouse gases. By obtaining a BASIX Certificate, your dwelling has reached the NSW environmental regulations and targets. Along with contributing to a sustainable future, you can also save on future energy and water bills.
to Comply with BASIX Targets:
Energy: Reach 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
Water: Reach 40% reduction in potable water consumption
Thermal: Reach specific climate zone thermal caps (heating & cooling loads)
Our Job as Thermal Assessors:
Our Job is to assess the dwelling according to your objective. Whether its to keep construction material upgrades to a minimum or to model a home which reduces energy consumption and provides a comfortable home for the whole family to enjoy. Thermal Assessors have the ability to see where the problems are lying within the home and able to customize inclusions within the home.